1. 性别(Gender) [单选题] *
2. 年龄(Age) [单选题] *
3. 学习汉语的时间(Time for Learning Chinese) [单选题] *
4. 第一部分(Part1) 根据你自己的学习情况,你在多大程度上同意以下说法?请圈出你认为最符合你自己情况的答案。答案不分正确或者错误。 1=完全不同意,5=完全同意 According to your condition, to what degree do you agree the statements? Please just circle the answer which you think is the closest to your condition. There is no right answer or wrong answer. 1= (absolutely) Disagree 5= (absolutely) Agree [矩阵评分题] *
满意 |
一般 |
不满意 |
M1、我觉得听力很难。(I think the listening course is very difficult for me.) |
M2、对话的语速太快,很难听懂。(The speaker speaks too fast to understand.) |
M3、听不懂课文的时候,我会很紧张。(I will feel anxious if I can t understand the text or conversation.) |
M4、我对听力课文很感兴趣。(I am interested in the texts and conversations of listening course.) |
M5、如果听力课有机会做游戏,我会很感兴趣。(I think it would be interesting if there is a chance for games like role-play in listening class.) |
M6、我喜欢听力课的老师,所以我喜欢上听力课。(I enjoy the listening class because of the listening course teacher.) |
5. 你最喜欢以下哪种课堂形式(Which of the following classes do you like ?) [单选题] *
6. 汉语课上,你喜欢和老师对话还是和同学对话?(In Chinese class, who do you prefer to communicate with?) [单选题] *
7. 汉语老师在教学中会使用交际活动吗?(比如小组讨论、角色扮演等)(Will Mandarin teacher carry out communication activities in classes? Eg. Group discussion、Role-play) [单选题] *
8. 听力课中,你经常回答问题吗?(In listening classes, do you often answer questions?) [单选题] *
9. 你觉得自己的老师听说课上得怎么样?(What do you think of the listening and speaking classes taught by your teacher?) [单选题] *
10. 在听力课中,遇到没听懂的问题,你希望(In the listening class, when you don’t understand the questions, you hope ) [单选题] *
11. 你认为什么样的氛围有利于听力学习?(As far as you concerned, what kind of learning atmosphere is good to listening?) [单选题] *
12. 说汉语时出现错误,你希望(When there are some mistakes in communications,you prefer to :) [单选题] *
13. 当你说汉语时,你感觉是(How do you feel when you speak chinese?) [单选题] *
14. 为什么在说汉语的时候感觉不自信(Why do you feel unconfident when you speak Chinese?) [单选题] *
15. 使用汉语口语交际时,你的注意力集中在(Which do you focus on when you communicate with others in Chinese?) [单选题] *
16. 对老师布置的书面作业 (Will you finish the written tasks assigned by teacher?) [单选题] *
17. 对老师布置的口语作业(Will you finish the spoken tasks assigned by teacher?) [单选题] *
18. 平均每天用于汉语听说练习时间是多少小时?(除去上课时间)(How long will you spend in Chinese listening and speaking practice)(class time is not included) [单选题] *
19. 你课堂上学到的表达,在平时的生活中有运用吗?(Do you use the expression you have learned in class in your daily life?) [单选题] *
20. 汉语课上,你最喜欢的活动是什么?(What is your favorite activity in Chinese classes?) [填空题] *